a) RBI vide notification RBI/2020-21/27 DoS.CO.PPG.BC.1/11.01.005/2020-21 dated August 21, 2020 has provided renewal of Credit facilities.

b) RBI reiterate that timely and comprehensive review/renewal of credit facilities should be an integral part of the Board approved loan policy and credit risk management framework, and banks should avoid frequent and repeated ad-hoc/short review/renewal of credit facilities without justifiable reasons. Banks are also advised to capture all the data relating to regular as well as ad-hoc/short review/renewal of credit facilities in their core banking systems/management information systems and make the same available for scrutiny as and when required by any audit or inspection by Auditors/RBI. Further, the processes governing review/renewal of credit facilities should be brought under the scope of concurrent/internal audit/internal control mechanism of banks with immediate effect.